Sunday, August 28, 2005

Open to the Moment

""Why not concentrate on the now instead of hoping for better times in the future? Why not understand the now instead of forgetting it and hoping for the future? Isn’t the future just another trap?" -- Anthony de Mello

Soul exists only in this moment. Every moment, no matter what the conditions, offers opportunities to touch and experience life in a new way. Our egos, with their fears and desires, easily get trapped in the past and the future, but the power to change exists only in this moment.

We don’t need to know more or have more before we can live more deeply. We simply need to pay attention to what’s happening now. To open without judgment to the worlds around and within us.

"Nothing is worth more than this day. You cannot relive yesterday. Tomorrow is still beyond your reach." -- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe"

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