I have a dream. To own a little farm, with just a few of each animal I want (goats, chickens, cows, horses), and a little garden. And no need to make a living.
This woman has my dream life. (Not that she doesn't have to make a living, but she is able to make a living as writer apparently and that is awesome.)
Her blog is also entertaining and interesting. I am just so envious.
Blogged with the Flock Browser
Awww. . .there is not much cuter than a baby goat. I saw one in person when I lived in the midwest, and that baby goat was just the most precious thing I'd ever held. I also dream of being self-sufficient and having farm animals (not to eat - just to take care of and love). I also want to grow food and beautiful wild flowers (some edible ones, too). I have always been a "writer" and one day hope to be published so that I can have my dream life.