Sunday, October 21, 2007

Rock & Gem Show

I go off and on with posting here and I'm going to try to start doing it more regularly, aside from just posting pictures and posts.

Yesterday Mom and I went to the Kanawha Rock and Gem Club's Mineral, Rock & Gem Show in South Charleston, WV. Here's what I came away with:

The big white thing is a selenite tea light candle holder that glows when you have the candle lit. Selenite is a type of gypsum. It is the colorless and transparent variety that shows a pearl like luster and has been described as having a moon-like glow. The word "selenite" comes from the greek for Moon and means moon rock. It looks so cool when it's lit!!

The other things are a large piece of crystal quartz (kind of wand-shaped), a green amber ring, a peridot ring, a slice of blue agate, an Orthoceras fossil, a piece of beautiful teal colored Chalcopyrite (copper pyrite), and a piece of aragonite from Peru.

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